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Our fully equipped and state-of-the-art facilities is capable of weaving geotextiles of the highest quality of various colours, specifications, patterns, water permeability and strength.

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Sewing Room

Our factory is equipped with a professional workroom, industrial sewing machines and experienced workers who work closely with our R&D team to ensure product quality.


First-Rate Materials

We specialise in weaving high-performance woven geotextile fabric.

Woven geotextiles are a permeable synthetic cloth, made from either polypropylene or polyester.


Geotextile fabric is suitable for many applications including filtration, drainage,

separation and protection applications.


Our woven geotextiles offer:

• Excellent tensile strength & stability

• Excellent creep resistance

• Excellent soil confinement

• A cost effective solution


Our factory can modify the weave of the base cloth to suit specific requirements. We can supply the base fabric by the roll or our fully equipped workroom can complete any product production required to supply the finished article.

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Textile Testing Centre

Our factory is equipped with professional laboratory testing tools to ensure our textiles consistently perform to specific requirements of our clients.

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